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31/10/2013 5:02:19 AM
Aussie Millions Event 1 Qualifier - Monday Nov 4th @ Paddy Malone's!

Win a $2000 trip to Aussie Millions Event 1, this Monday 4th Nov!

This Monday night, the 4th November, we will be holding an event to win a $2000 trip to Melbourne to head to the Aussie Millions, playing in Bracelet Event #1 (The $1100 event).

The prize includes the event entry, with $900 towards flights and accommodation in Melbourne.

This event is being held at Paddy Malone's in Alexander Heights, with a $100 buy-in and optional $100 re-buy or top-up, 6000 in chips for each! (total 12,000 stack with your re-buy/top-up!)

Poker for Charity Association

The next Grand Final - 1st Dec!


Don't forget the date of the next WAPL Grand Final. Sunday 4th December, upstairs at the Albion Hotel in Cottesloe! (11am Registration)

Poker for Charity Association - Proudly supported Telethon with a $30,000 donation in 2012 and a $35,000 donation to Princess Margaret Hospital in 2011. Thanks for your contributions towards these great causes.

Don't forget our weekly events!

We have events nearly every day of the week!

Mondays - Paddy Malone's Alexander Heights

Tuesdays - 

Beaumaris Sports Association Iluka

Wednesdays- Market City Tavern Canning Vale

Thursdays - Woodvale Tavern & Elephant & Wheelbarrow Northbridge

Saturdays - Ascot Racecourse 

Copyright © 2012 Western Australian Poker League Pty. Ltd., All rights reserved.
Gaming Functions by Permit issued under Section 47 of the Act for various Not for Profit Organisations

Western Australian Poker League Pty. Ltd promotes

and conducts responsible gaming. If you believe you have a gambling problem, please call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 or visit http://gamblinghelpline.org.au
If you didn't received this news post through email and would like to, please send an email to info@wapokerleague.com.au with "Subscribe" in the subject along with your WAPL membership name, and we will add you. Thanks!